Fiore Reporting and Transcription Service, Inc.

Court Reporting and Transcription Service CT


Standard, micro and 4-track cassettes, digital, DVD and VHS. (Note there is an additional charge for transferring the VHS audio to digital)
If your audio is in a digital format, i.e. wav, mp3, contact us and we will give you access information to upload it onto our ftp site. If you prefer not to upload your audio, or it’s in tape format, we recommend you make a copy of it, if possible and send it to us via USPS, Fed Ex or UPS.

We charge per page of transcript produced. On average, an hour of audio produces approximately 40 to 50 pages. Contact us for our rates.

Transcripts can be sent via email in Word, Word Perfect or pdf format, or bound hard copy returned via mail or FedEx.
Credit card payments are accepted via PayPal. You do not need to have a PayPal account. You will be sent an invoice via email which will direct you to their secure payment site.


Approved by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts for transcription service.

Member American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers
(AAERT Certified Electronic Reporter and Transcriber)


Notary Public for the State of Connecticut

NCH Software